葡萄树 / 慕安德烈 著 李瑞萍 译

我是真葡萄树。约翰福音15 章1 节地上的事物是天国的实在的影子——可见的形式是被创造来表征那不可见的神的荣耀的。生命和真理在天上,我们在地上拥有的,不过是天国真理的象征和影子。当主耶稣说“ 我是真葡萄树” 时,他告诉我们的是: 地上的葡萄树是他的影像和象征,他是神圣的实在,葡萄树是被造的表征,它们指向他,传达并揭示他的存在。如果你想了解耶稣,那就研究葡萄树吧。

I am the True Vine—John 15:1
All earthly things are the shadows of heavenly realities—the expression, in created, visible forms,of the invisible glory of God. The Life and the Truth are in Heaven; on earth we have figures and shadows of the heavenly truths. When Jesus says: “I am the true Vine,” He tells us that all the vines of earth are pictures and emblems of Himself. He is the divine
reality, of which they are the created expression.They all point to Him, and preach Him, and reveal Him. If you would know Jesus, study the vine.
多少双眼睛曾经注视着挂着美丽果实的葡萄树,充满了赞美之情。来吧,定睛在属天的葡萄树上,直到你的眼目离开其他的一切,单单来赞美他。在阳光灿烂的日子,多少人曾经坐在葡萄树的树荫下歇息。来,安静在真葡萄树的荫下吧,在它下面乘凉。不计其数的人曾经快乐地享用葡萄树的果实。来,摘下属天的真葡萄树的果子,来享用吧,让你的灵魂说:“ 我欢欢喜喜坐在他的荫下,尝他果子的滋味,觉得甘甜。”

How many eyes have gazed on and admired a great vine with its beautiful fruit. Come and gaze on the heavenly Vine till your eye turns from all else to admire Him. How many, in a sunny clime, sit and rest under the shadow of a vine. Come and be still under the shadow of the true Vine, and rest under it from the heat of the day. What countless numbers rejoice in the fruit of the vine! Come, and take,and eat of the heavenly fruit of the true Vine, and let your soul say: “I sat under His shadow with great delight, and His fruit was sweet to my taste.”


I am the true Vine. —This is a heavenly mystery. The earthly vine can teach you much about this Vine of Heaven. Many interesting and beautiful points of comparison suggest themselves, and help us to get conceptions of what Christ meant. But such thoughts do not teach us to know what the heavenly Vine really is, in its cooling shade, and its life-giving
fruit. The experience of this is part of the hidden mystery, which none but Jesus Himself, by His Holy Spirit, can unfold and impart.


I am the true Vine. —The vine is the living Lord, who Himself speaks, and gives, and works all that He has for us. If you would know the meaning and power of that word, do not think to find it by thought or study; these may help to show you what you must get from Him to awaken desire and hope and prayer, but they cannot show you the Vine. Jesus alone can reveal Himself. He gives His Holy Spirit to open the eyes to gaze upon Himself, to open the
heart to receive Himself. He must Himself speak the word to you and me.


I am the true Vine.—And what am I to do, if I want the mystery, in all its heavenly beauty and blessing, opened up to me? With what you already know of the parable, bow down and be still, worship and wait, until the divine Word enters your heart, and you feel His holy presence with you, and in you. The overshadowing of His holy love will give you the perfect calm and rest of knowing that the Vine will do all.

我是真葡萄树——说话的是上帝,他大有能力,能够进入我们的里面。他是人,一个与我们同在的人。他是被钉十字架的那一位,借着他的死,为我们赢得了完全的公义和属天的生命。他是得到荣耀的那一位,他从宝座赐下圣灵,使他的临在成为真实与实际。他说——哦,不要只听他的话,要听从他自己。他天天对我们耳语:“ 我是真葡萄树!葡萄树对枝子如何,我对你也如何。”

I am the true Vine.—He who speaks is God, in His infinite power able to enter into us. He is man, one with us. He is the crucified One, who won a perfect righteousness and a divine life for us through His death. He is the glorified One, who from the throne gives His Spirit to make His presence real and true. He speaks—oh, listen, not to His words only, but to Himself, as He whispers secretly day by day: “I am the true Vine! All that the Vine can ever be to its branch, I will be to you.”


Holy Lord Jesus, the heavenly Vine of God’s own planting, I beseech Thee, reveal Thyself to my soul. Let the Holy Spirit, not only in thought, but in experience, give me to know all that Thou, the Son of God, art to me as the true Vine.
我父是栽培的人——约翰福音15: 1一株葡萄树必须有一个栽培的人栽种它,看顾它,摘收并享用它的果实。耶稣说:“ 我父是栽培的人。” 他是“ 神栽种的葡萄树”。他的所是与所为,都归功于父: 他在凡事上寻求父的旨意与荣耀。他成为人,向我们显明一个受造之物向它的造物主应当如何行。他取代我们,竭力让他活在父面前的生命之灵成为我们的灵:“ 万有都是本于他,依靠他,归于他。”他成为真葡萄树,好使我们可以成为真枝子。这句话就基督和我们自己,教导了我们绝对依赖与完全相信的功课。

And My Father is the Husbandman—John 15:1 A vine must have a husbandman to plant and watch over it, to receive and rejoice in its fruit. Jesus says: “My Father is the  husbandman.” He was “the vine of God’s planting.” All He was and did, He owed to the Father; in all He only sought the Father’s will and glory. He had become man to show
us what a creature ought to be to its Creator. He took our place, and the spirit of His life before the Father was ever what He seeks to make ours: “Of him, and through him, and to him are all things.” He became the true Vine, that we might be true branches. Both
in regard to Christ and ourselves the words teach us the two lessons of absolute dependence and perfect confidence.

我父是栽培的人。——基督在地上时,曾经论到他的灵说:“ 子凭着自己不能做什么。”正如葡萄树依赖栽培的人为它选择生长的地方,为它圈起篱笆,给它浇水、修枝一样,基督觉得自己每一天都完全依靠父给他智慧与力量,来遵行父的旨意。正如他在前一章(14:10)所说的:“ 我对你们所说的话,不是凭着自己说的,乃是住在我里面的父做他自己的事。” 这种绝对的依赖伴随着最蒙福的确信,他一无所惧: 父不可能令他失望。有了像父那样的栽培的人,他可以进入死亡与坟墓。

My Father is the Husbandman.—Christ ever lived in the spirit of what He once said: “The Son can do nothing of himself.” As dependent as a vine is on a husbandman for the place where it is to grow, for its fencing in and watering and pruning.Christ felt Himself entirely dependent on the Father every day for the wisdom and the strength to do the Father’s will. As He said in the previous chapter (14:10): “The words that I say unto you, I speak not
from Myself; but the Father abiding in Me doeth his works.” This absolute dependence had as its blessed counterpart the most blessed confidence that He had nothing to fear: the Father could not disappoint Him. With such a Husbandman as His Father, He could
enter death and the grave. He could trust God to raise Him up. All that Christ is and has, He has, not in Himself, but from the Father.

我父是栽培的人。——这对基督是真的,对我们也是真的,这是多么幸福的事啊。基督将教导门徒他们作为枝子的事。他在使用或者提到“ 常在他里面” 或“ 结果子” 这些词语之前,让他们定睛于天,定睛在眷顾他们,运行在他们里面的父身上。神将做成一切,我们所做的,就是将自己交付他手,听任他来支配,并承认自己的全然无助与信靠,确信他会供应我们需要的一切,这是藏在所有基督徒生命至深处的思想。基督徒生命中至大的缺乏是,我们甚至在信靠基督的地方,也把神撇在一边。基督来,要将我们带到神的面前。基督曾经如我们一样,过着人的生活。作为葡萄树的基督指向栽培的神。让我们信靠神,像他信靠神一样,相信,就如那些属于葡萄树的人一样,我们之所是,以及我们应当拥有的一切,都会从上面赐下。

My Father is the Husbandman. —That is as blessedly true for us as for Christ. Christ is about to teach His disciples about their being branches. Before He ever uses the word, or speaks at all of abiding in Him or bearing fruit, He turns their eyes heavenward to the Father watching over them,and working all in them. At the very root of all Christian life lies the thought that God is to do all, that our work is to give and leave ourselves in His
hands, in the confession of utter helplessness and dependence, in the assured confidence that He gives all we need. The great lack of the Christian life is that, even where we trust Christ, we leave God out of the count. Christ came to bring us to God. Christ lived the life of a man exactly as we have to live it. Christ the Vine points to God the Husbandman. As
He trusted God, let us trust God, that everything we ought to be and have, as those who belong to the Vine, will be given us from above.

以赛亚曾说:“ 有出酒的葡萄园;我耶和华是看守葡萄园的,我必时刻浇灌,昼夜看守,免得有人损害。” 在这里,我们开始思想果实或枝子,让我们的心中充满这样的信念: 栽培的人如葡萄树一般荣耀。我们所蒙的呼召有多么尊贵与圣洁,做成这一切的神就多么有能力和慈爱。栽培的人使葡萄树具有葡萄树的样式,相信他也会让葡萄枝成为葡萄枝的样式。我们的父是栽培我们的,他确保我们的成长,也确保我们要结果实。

Isaiah said: “A vineyard of red wine; I the Lord do keep it, I will water it every moment; lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.” Here we begin to think of fruit or branches, let us have our heart filled with the faith: as glorious as the Vine, is the Husbandman. As high and holy as is our calling, so mighty and loving is the God who will work it all.As surely as the Husbandman made the Vine what it was to be, will He make each branch what it is to be. Our Father is our Husbandman, the Surety for our growth and fruit.

天上的父,我们是你栽培的。哦,愿你因你手做的工得荣耀!哦,父啊,我愿意敞开心门,领受这样美妙的真理: 我父是栽培的人。教导我,使我能够认识你,使我能够信靠你,使我晓得,你怎样关心、看顾、喜悦葡萄树,你也同样关心、看顾、喜悦每个枝子,同样也关心、看顾、喜悦我。

Blessed Father, we are Thy husbandry. Oh, that Thou mayest have honor of the work of Thy hands!O my Father, I desire to open my heart to the joy of this wondrous truth: My Father is the Husbandman.Teach me to know and trust Thee, and to see that the same deep interest with which Thou caredst for and delightedst in the Vine, extends to every branch, to me too.

最后更新于 Sep 18, 2012 07:38 UTC