当我想到你的时候<br /> 我的眼泪就来了<br /> 我渐渐老去神志不清<br /> 然而你背负着我<br /> 将我这已死的身体背负在你的肩膀上<br /> 让我的灵魂和你一起升入高天<br /> 飞过地球和我渺小的人生<br /> 我听见自己像天使一样在歌唱<br /> 唱的就是这一首我一生唯一的情诗……
My First Love Poem
I can’t wait to write a love poem to you<br /> for the simple reason that I have been loving you all my life<br /> even though I was ugly and unwanted<br /> even though I was slow and stupid<br /> I was comforted by the prospect of loving you<br /> together we watch sunrise and sunset<br /> together we fly over oceans and valleys<br /> I have been searching you among millions of faces<br /> through countless ages<br /> even though I am tiny and worthless<br /> I believe loving you will make me beautiful and priceless<br /> So I never stopped looking for you<br /> at the bus stop<br /> in my kitchen<br /> I traveled even to the other side of the ocean<br /> to find you, my love<br /> Tears come to me when I think of you<br /> as I grow old and insane<br /> yet you carry me<br /> a dead body unto your shoulders<br /> together my soul soars with you<br /> passing the earth and my foolish, little life<br /> singing in a voice I never heard of myself<br /> this love poem I have been waiting to sing to you
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